“Working out gives me at least four additional hours of productive time every day.”
– Richard Branson CEO of Virgin Industries / Billionaire,
When asked what his #1 tip would be for success, in the book ‘The 4-Hour Body’ by Timothy Ferriss
“The average annual health insurance premium is more than $5,000 for individual employees and nearly $14,000 for families.”
– The Kaiser Family Foundation Employer Health Benefits – Annual Survey
“Researchers from Harvard University found that medical costs fall by about $3.27 for every dollar spent on wellness programs and that absenteeism costs fall by about $2.73 for every dollar spent.”
In as few as twelve short weeks our SY Performance Corporate Wellness Program has shown it may help:
- Curtail health costs
- Retain good workers
- Attract good employees
- Improve your employee’s overall health
- Reduce the amount of sick days
- Increase productivity
- Raise company morale and camaraderie
- Strengthen employee/employer relations
- Provide all employees with the opportunity to prove leadership and motivational skills
Furthermore, our SY Performance Corporate Wellness Program has shown it may help your employees with:
- Goal setting – SY principles to health and fitness can be used to succeed in all aspects of life.
- Time management – The SY system shows people how to manage their time more effectively, allowing them to become more productive at work and home.
- Confidence – This is an inevitable occurrence of adhering to the program, achieving goals provide both mental and physical improvements.
- Competition – Truly brings out the best in people. The SY Program eliminates the fear of competition because individuals learn they are ultimately competing against themselves.
Clarity – Improved health and fitness has been directly linked to higher cognitive and problem solving skills - Lifestyle Change – SY is a comprehensive program that allows employees to live a healthy, active lifestyle for many years to come.
Four easy steps to launching a Corporate Wellness Program:
1. Obtain full approval from your Human Resources Department.
2. Send and e-mail to scott@syperformanceone.com that includes the following information:
- Name of your company
- Number of employees
- Contact name and number for the individual who is facilitating your company Program
3. Once we receive this information, we will work with you to organize a SY Program suited to your company’s needs and size.
4. Once we have worked out the right program for your company, you will receive (by email), a ‘Starter Kit PDF’ and an employee ‘Getting Started PDF’ that includes printable nutrition and fitness guides. The program is easy to follow and does NOT require constant support from an outside source.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What kind of support will our company receive if we do the program?
A: There are many options to choose from and programs can be customized to manage costs and fit any corporate health goal. If you choose to do the SY Corporate Wellness Program at the basic level, you will receive a ‘Starter Kit PDF’ and an employee ‘Getting Started PDF’ that includes printable Nutrition and Fitness guides. The program is easy to follow and does not require constant support from an outside source. We recommend that you schedule a kick-off meeting with your employees to explain the program, ask questions and generate excitement. If you need or would prefer additional step-by-step assistance, we will gladly support that as well.
Q: We do not have an on-site fitness facility. What can we do to ensure our employees have a place to work out?
A: You don’t need to belong to a gym to have great success with the fitness workout sessions suggested by us. We can assist with the training of your employees both indoor or outdoor.
Q: My employees are asking me questions that I cannot answer, what do I do?
A: Nearly all of your employee’s questions can be answered by us. Please call 1-818-261-6747 or contact us today.
The SY Performance Corporate Wellness Program provides an excellent worksite-based platform to facilitate employee adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors to “stem or reverse the tide” of this enormous public and occupational health issue. The program principles are simple, yet masterfully based on solid health promotion, nutrition, and exercise principles, making it both easy and fun for participants to develop, comprehend, and apply for the rest of their lives..”
Call now and schedule your initial FREE fitness evaluation & full body workout to see if our 90 Day Body Transformation Program is right for you.