About 6 months ago when I joined the gym to get back into shape I was so glad I ran into Scott Yonehiro and his fitness program SY Performance. Today, at age 49, I am 25 pounds lighter and my body fat has dropped to a number that I didn’t even have in my twenties. I am literally in the best shape of my life!!! What’s unique about Scott is that he listens and really cares about helping you reach your goals. Every two weeks he monitors your progress and makes adjustments if needed. He has extensive knowledge in diet and nutrition and its clear to me that he knows the right fitness routines and proper techniques to get you maximum results. I guarantee that if you listen to him and do exactly what he says you will get the results you always dreamed of. Besides looking great I feel great too and am enjoying all the sports I used to enjoy in my teens and twenties, including surfing! For the first time I feel I can make his program a true lifestyle. It takes hard work and a commitment BUT it is very doable. No starvation diets, nothing mundane or so taxing that you’ll be put off that you never want to go back to the gym. It’s actually fun. It is without a doubt the BEST fitness program (diet and exercise) I have ever signed up for. Not to mention Scott is such a cool guy he has become a good friend. Investing in my health with SY Performance was the best money ever spent. Thank you!