Can you transform your body in 90 days?

Can you transform your body in 90 days?

Why are there so many 90-day weight loss challenges? Quite frankly, it’s because when done correctly you can absolutely transform your body in 90 days. But the key to succeeding at a 90 Day Body Transformation is consistency, diligence, and getting help from a professional. Read on for everything to know about 90 day body transformations.

What is the 90 Day Workout Challenge?

As its name implies, the 90 Day workout challenge is a fitness challenge that often has more than one goal. You may want more energy. You may want to rehabilitate after an injury. You may be preparing for an important film or television role and need to tone up. You may be tired of your clothes not fitting well, or your self-esteem slumping. Whatever your motivation, remember, that transforming your body is not only possible, but also the natural result, when you dedicate yourself.

Assuming no one is incentivizing you with $10,000 to transform your body in 90-days, (like the lucky brother and sister of Browney), you may be wondering: Can you change your body in 90 days? The answer is unequivocally yes! But you’ll need to commit to:

  • Three one-hour strength training sessions per week
  • Three 45+ minute cardio sessions per week
  • Adherence to a nutritious diet

These three are absolutes. However, other factors may improve your results.

  • Personal Training for Body Transformation in 90 Days

Working out with a personal trainer can help you to learn the specific strength training exercises needed to target specific areas on the body. For example, if you’re looking for Jennifer Aniston arms, you shouldn’t spend two of your strength training days working your glutes. If your goal is LL Cool J abs, you’re not going to get there maxing out with dead lifts. By working with a trainer, you’ll learn how to target the specific muscle groups that will result in the most significant transformation.

  • Food Journaling for Transformation

Food journaling isn’t technically required, but most people struggle with body transformations without journaling. Why? People tend to underestimate portion sizes. Although we think we aren’t eating much, snacks throughout the day add up.

 We also tend to assume that certain foods are healthy, even when there are far better choices. A takeout salad can provide a ton of vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. But if it’s drenched in a sugary salad dressing it’s not nearly as healthy as you may think.

By journaling everything you eat, you’re able to see in black and white just how much (or how little) food you’re consuming. Reminder: if you don’t consume enough food, your body will start storing fat, and you’ll inadvertently sabotage your transformation.

  • Body Scanning

Knowing your body composition can be incredibly motivating and allow you to set mini goals within your challenge. For example, you may find that body is more than 30% fat, and you’d like it to be closer to 20%. Regular body composition scanning can be an incredible tool for helping you stick to your plan, and ultimately achieve your goals.

What Does a 90 Day Transformation Diet Look Like?

A diet that will help you to completely transform your body in 90 days, will include lean protein, a lot of greens, and a reduction in overly processed foods. Intermittent fasting often also plays a role, to ensure you’re not consuming all your carbs, for example, at 10:00 pm before you go to bed.

A specially formulated nutrition plan will help you to stay on track with macronutrients, curb cravings, and make the best use of the food, when it comes to slimming down, and revealing muscle tone. Having a personal trainer review your food journal, and make recommendations based on your objectives, and any diet restrictions (vegan, vegetarian, etc.) can make an enormous difference in your outcome.

Can I Do a 90 Day Body Transformation at Home?

Yes. You can do a 90-day body transformation at home, but it’s likely going to take a lot more of your time, than if you brought in a trainer. You’ll need to spend time determining the right diet, the right exercises, and staying motivated on your own. Plus, most people don’t have body composition scanners at home. But if you’d prefer to transform your body at home, look for a trainer who has a training app, or offers remote coaching.

90 Day Body Transformation in Burbank, Glendale, Studio City

Still wondering: can you transform your body in 90 days? We promise you can. To get started on your own personal transformation, contact SY Performance today. With a private fitness studio in Burbank, SY Performance provides everything you need to effectively change your body, your eating habits, your energy level, and your life. From personal training to meal planning, body composition scanning, mobile app access, and more, we’ve helped thousands to transform their bodies with a 90 day workout challenge. Call 818-374-7961, or send us a message to get started.

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